Hey everybody,
After one heullva year my early-2021 showreel has been updated and you can find it at www.ajwalker86.co.uk // https://youtu.be/9TjEOYNcniY
Rounding out last year and starting off this year with new projects with BBC/Resource Productions, Keypoint Intelligence/Epson Printers and renowned YouTube documentarian James Jani. Be sure to check out those full projects in my portfolio.
I have availabilty up until the last week of April until the end of May so I’ll be taking bookings before and after then for any Editing, Motion Graphics/Animation, Post-Production supervision/co-ordination and DIT roles for any upcoming projects . For enquiries contact: ajwalker86@hotmail.co.uk
Hope everybody is well and has their tables booked at their local pubs at the next available opportunity,